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We love Super Essentials for dogs! Our 3 1/2-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier, Bella, suffers from Irritable Bowel Disease. There are very few foods, medicines, or supplements she can take without having a reaction. She’s been taking Super Essentials for almost a year now. We feel good that we’re giving her something that is healthy for her.
Thank you!
Janet Clark

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I just wanted to tell you how much we love Super Essentials for our dog Enzo. It has been an addition to his meals, ever since he was a tiny pup. His breeder introduced us to it and just looking at the color and texture, we could tell right away that it was a healthy addition to his diet. He’s grown to be a strong, beautiful dog with a stunning coat!

Thank you,

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Higgins and Magnum

Hi Sandy,

Higgins and Magnum, our two Standard Schnauzers, have been enjoying the Superessentials now for about 6 months.

I researched the ingredients and they were all natural products. The dogs absolutely love it! In fact they whine every morning when I’m stirring it into their food. The reason I tried this in the first place was because Higgins, being 10 years old, was starting to feel sluggish and not want to chase the ball he and Magnum enjoyed so much. I thought it might just be his age, but he checked out great at the last vet visit.

So I thought I would try this product that I had seen on the internet. After about 2 weeks I started seeing a change in his behavior. He was more alert, his coat looked shiny, more playful, and he started playing ball again. He now acts like a puppy, playing with toys and encouraging Magnum (7 yrs.) to play with him, running around the house! This stuff really works!

I encourage every pet owner to give it a try. Bottom line is we want our pets to live a long, happy, and healthy life and I feel this product helps make that happen!

Peggy J Della Maggiora
Wilderville, Oregon

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Nell, Grants Pass, OR

I don’t do testimonials and I hate having my picture taken. But I have got to say, it’s paws up for the great tasting greens added in my breakfast every morning. I’ve been using SuperEssentials all of my 4+ years! My project manager says she feels good knowing I’m getting a great supplement with the added bonus of a beautiful shiny, soft coat!

Nell, Grants Pass, OR

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Pat and Crew from Ohio

All my guys are doing great, and still loving your supplement. In fact, I was tardy in reordering and I ran out of product and there was about a weeks lag before I could add back into their meals. I put down their bowls, with many other supplements also, but somehow they KNEW the Suoeressentials were not in there! So now they are happy to have them back in their meals!

Pat and Crew from Ohio
Spanky, Betty, Murphy, and Nikki (missing from Pic) & Tommy Cat

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Juliet, Fredericksburg VA

This is Hamilton who is almost 9 and Bella my little girl who will be three in June. I started the super essentials when Bella was a little over a year as she had very dry skin and her hair was not as lustrous as it should have been… I started her on a little sample I got from my holistic vet and within 4-5 days I could tell a difference… So I started both my labs on this supplement and will not stop…

-Juliet, Fredericksburg VA

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Annie and Zoe

Our Zoe is 12 now and she has lots of “boxer bumps,” including a couple in non-removable spots that our vet says are cancerous and we should keep an eye on. One has been there for more than a couple of years. I’m convinced SuperEssentials is keeping them from growing. 🙂 🙂 🙂

– Annie, Medford, Oregon